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View Full Version : UTI: Bactrim vs. Cipro.

Well, assuming they both usually work to clear up UTI's - there are two reasons: 1. Fewer side effects - Bactrin is less likely to give you diarrhea or hives or you name it. Save ciprofloxacin for infections that are resistant to Bactrin - so retardation the development of antibiotic resistor against Cipro. That article is from 1997. In that location has been a enormous step-up in the number of fluoroquinolone (Cipro is in this class) prescriptions scripted in the concluding decade... And with it, of course, we've Cipro and bactrim for uti a accompaniment ascension in the resistor rates. Resistance rates are variable by geographic area. In general, with uncomplicated UTI in a female, in an area where Bactrim resistance is To reinforce what USCDiver has said, an institution's unique experience with the microbiological organisms that comes through its doors is more important than the literature, particularly? One of the chief duties of infectious disease doctors at most hospitals is to not only see patients but provide an updated set of databases or tables to other physicians which describe the organisms and susceptibilities seen by that institution. So, the "correct" answer for a given infection may vary significantly between institutions, particularly geographically disparate institutions... Bactrim would spring me hives, long time beginning Time, but then once again I wealthy person a known allergic reaction to sulfonamide drugs.

I about got apt some sort of sulfonamide eye drops one time by an optometrist. Good thing he doublechecked with me about allergies before going to the room for them. The thought of eye hives...